Life is less lonely if you share stuff. Well, it’s the same with files and folders on Google Drive! Once you’ve created something often you want to share it with someone, a team, a class or even the whole world, and Google Drive allows you to do just this. Before looking at how it’s done,… Continue reading Google Drive – Sharing files and folders
Google Workspace Tutorials
Google Drive – Moving multiple files & folders
In this post, we’ll see the different ways you can move multiple files and folders around on your Drive. Click on the first file you want to move, then hold down Ctrl (or Cmd) and then click on the other files you want to move. The ones that you have chosen will be highlighted in… Continue reading Google Drive – Moving multiple files & folders
Google Drive (7) – Moving files around
With the latest version of Google Drive, it’s much easier to move files around and similar to what you may be used to on Windows or on OS. There are however, different ways to do it. Below are the 3 main ways. 1) Drag and drop within the files and folder area Just click on… Continue reading Google Drive (7) – Moving files around
Google Drive (6) – How to manage files and folders
You’ve got into Google Drive, now you need some files and folders to store in it. Let’s go through the most common actions you do with files and folders: creating, naming, copying, and deleting. ‘Moving’ I will cover in a different post as there are different ways to do this. Creating a file As an… Continue reading Google Drive (6) – How to manage files and folders
Google Drive (5) – How does it work?
In this post, I’m going to explain what Google Drive is and give you an overview of how it works. When you log into Google Drive, your computer connects to the place where your files are stored. This is ‘in the cloud’ which is actually a physical storage place somewhere in the world, in this… Continue reading Google Drive (5) – How does it work?
Google Drive – The menus (part 3)
At the top of the screen is the search bar and account options. Search bar It’s no surprise that Google includes a powerful search engine so you can find your files, without having to hunt for them via the folders. Just type in the words you want and press Enter. Google will search for filenames… Continue reading Google Drive – The menus (part 3)
Google Drive – The menus (part 2)
In this post, I’ll briefly go through the options on the bar above the files and folders area. The bar above the files and folders area, contains some more Drive options and also where you can find the location of a file of folder, via the breadcrumbs. Without a file or folder selected, you’ll see four… Continue reading Google Drive – The menus (part 2)
Google Drive – The menus (part 1)
Once you’ve logged in to your account and clicked on Drive, you’ll be presented with the main Drive page. There are 4 main areas: 1) In the middle is where you will see your files and folders. 2) On the left, you have some Drive options and filters. 3) On the bar, there are more… Continue reading Google Drive – The menus (part 1)
Google Drive – How to access it
You’ve got a Google account, so how do you access your Google Drive and its contents? 3. Type in your username, i.e. the part before “” in your Gmail address. E.g. > type in: brgablog Press “Next”. 4. This takes you to the password screen. Type in your password and click “Sign In”. 5.… Continue reading Google Drive – How to access it
How to set up a Google Account
You’ll need a Google account to access the Google Apps. Below are step-by-step instructions on how set one up. Go to the Google account set up page. Fill in the form with your details: name your new email address ( password your birthday gender phone number (security code may get sent to here) your current… Continue reading How to set up a Google Account