Automatically emailing info from a form submission

Here we’ll look at how to set up automatic emails, which contain information submitted by the Google Form user. The beauty of this is that the information is sent to you (and others) without you having to do anything and without you having to check the spreadsheet to see if there has been a submission.… Continue reading Automatically emailing info from a form submission

Request form – Sending automatic emails

One of the most useful things I’ve learnt to do with Google Apps Script, is to email people automatically when a form is submitted. It has countless uses and in this example, we have a user requesting a private class via a Google Form. The relevant parties will receive an email which will contain a short message… Continue reading Request form – Sending automatic emails


Following on from my post on the basic date functions, let’s look at some really useful functions that work with dates, namely: WEEKDAY, WORKDAY, NETWORKDAYS, EDATE and EOMONTH, plus we’ll see an example with the CHOOSE function. With these we’ll: Find out the day of the week of a particular date Work out a deadline date Work… Continue reading Sheets Functions – WEEKDAY, WORKDAY, NETWORKDAYS, EDATE, EOMONTH

Google Sheets – What’s the difference between notes & comments?

In this post, we’re going to look at two key ways you can add extra information to your sheet, without affecting the format of your sheet: Notes and Comments. Sometimes people confuse these, as they both give extra information in the cells, but there is a clear difference between the two. The key difference is:… Continue reading Google Sheets – What’s the difference between notes & comments?

Google Sheets – Conditional Formatting & custom formulas

Sometimes we spend time colouring in our sheets so that the data is more visible, in a way that it can be read and understood really quickly and that the most important points can be ascertained with ease. Wouldn’t it be great if Sheets could colour your data automatically, depending on a set of conditions? Well,… Continue reading Google Sheets – Conditional Formatting & custom formulas

Google Sheets – Moving, copying & pasting data

In this post, let’s look at how we can move, copy and paste our data on the sheet, starting with the basics and then introducing some lesser-known methods that will save you time and effort. Moving cells (drag & drop, cut & paste) Copying and pasting cells Paste special (values, format, all except borders, formulas, transpose)… Continue reading Google Sheets – Moving, copying & pasting data

Google Sheets – The cell references: Relative & Absolute

Here we’re going to look at how references to cells will allow you to do multiple calculations really quickly. We’ll look at: How to reference cells with each other How to quickly copy formulas across other cells How cell references change when they are moved around the sheet (relative cell references) How you can fix… Continue reading Google Sheets – The cell references: Relative & Absolute

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