Forms & Sheets – Attendance System

In this post we’re going to make an attendance system using Google Forms and Sheets. The user will fill in the attendance on the form (possibly on their mobile) and the data will then be stored and organised automatically per student. This will also use a Form add-on called FormRanger to easily populate a Google Form… Continue reading Forms & Sheets – Attendance System

Create a Book inventory with Google Sheets & Apps Script

Here we’re going to make a simple book inventory, where we’ll be able to control the location of the books and also find out where a book is. This uses a mixture of GAS code and Sheets functions. We’ve got 3 sheets: Front page – This is what the user will see and use. In… Continue reading Create a Book inventory with Google Sheets & Apps Script


Following on from my post on the basic date functions, let’s look at some really useful functions that work with dates, namely: WEEKDAY, WORKDAY, NETWORKDAYS, EDATE and EOMONTH, plus we’ll see an example with the CHOOSE function. With these we’ll: Find out the day of the week of a particular date Work out a deadline date Work… Continue reading Sheets Functions – WEEKDAY, WORKDAY, NETWORKDAYS, EDATE, EOMONTH

Google Drive (6) – How to manage files and folders

You’ve got into Google Drive, now you need some files and folders to store in it.  Let’s go through the most common actions you do with files and folders: creating, naming, copying, and deleting.  ‘Moving’ I will cover in a different post as there are different ways to do this. Creating a file As an… Continue reading Google Drive (6) – How to manage files and folders