Lists are great for summarising points and showing the order of something concisely. Docs gives you various ways you can present lists. These can be the classic bullet points or can be numbered in different ways to suit your text. Here we’ll look at: Basic lists (bulleted & numbered) Making sub-lists Other list formats Adding… Continue reading Google Docs – Making bulleted & numbered lists
Category: Docs Posts
Google Docs – Getting to grips with tables (part 1)
One of the most common things that is added to documents is a table. So, it makes sense that you know how to create the table the way you want it. Here we’ll look at pretty much everything related to tables. It’s a long post so, I’ve divided it into two. Part 1 Inserting a table Deleting… Continue reading Google Docs – Getting to grips with tables (part 1)
Google Docs (3) – Setting up the page
Apart from changing the text to the way you want it, you will often want to set up the page differently from the default. You can change the page size, page orientation, how the text fits on the page, etc. Here we’ll look at the following: Page set up All the settings in this section… Continue reading Google Docs (3) – Setting up the page